Web Maintenance for All Platforms

The web is a constantly-changing place. New websites are being created daily, and old ones fade away every month as more fresh material becomes available to update them, so keeping up with these changes can be exhausting! Website maintenance is crucial for businesses and individuals who rely on their websites for income or communication. This includes ensuring all links are working, regularly updating content, and fixing technical issues. It also means keeping your website secure from hackers and other malicious attacks

There are a variety of website-building platforms, such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Squarespace, Wix, Bootstrap, Dreamweaver, and ASP. It's crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest security updates and patches for whichever platform you use to ensure your website functions correctly. Website maintenance may seem daunting initially, but it's worth the effort to keep your website running smoothly and securely. It can also improve your search engine rankings and boost customer trust. Don't neglect the importance of regular website maintenance; it could mean distinguishing between a successful online presence and losing potential customers.

Staying Up-To-Date and Checking Everything

Website maintenance is crucial in ensuring that your online presence remains up-to-date and functioning correctly. The first step is to check that all your pages are loading without errors. This includes testing links, images, and videos to ensure they are working correctly. Next, running a backup of your site to store a previous version in case anything goes wrong during future updates is essential. Speaking of updates, it's also important to regularly check for updates to website software and plugins to keep your site secure and running smoothly. Finally, don't forget to check that all forms on your website, such as contact or newsletter signup forms, are functioning properly. Following these steps in website maintenance will help guarantee a successful online presence for your business or personal brand

HTML, Javascript, CSS, PHP

HTML, CSS, and Javascript are all important tools in web maintenance. Different elements on a website often require different HTML, CSS, or Javascript codes to function properly. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard; it provides the basic structure for a website CSS is used to control presentation and layout, meaning it helps give your website its look and feel. Javascript is used to manage the behavior of different elements on your website. All three work together to ensure that your website looks great and functions properly.

Keeping your HTML, CSS, and Javascript up-to-date is vital for two reasons: first, it ensures that your website will continue to look and function as intended, and second, it helps keep your website safe from security vulnerabilities. There are many ways to stay up-to-date with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. One way is to use a content management system (CMS) that automatically updates your website for you. Another way is to update your website yourself manually. Whichever way you choose to update your HTML, CSS, and Javascript, it is vital to stay up-to-date to keep your website looking its best and functioning properly.

Need Help Coding HTML, Javascript, CSS, or PHP?

PHP Programming

PHP is a versatile language programming that can be used to create dynamic web pages, e-commerce systems, content management systems, and much more. It helps us create more interactive and responsive pages for user input. PHP is a server-side language that runs on the web server, not the user's computer. This makes it more secure and efficient than client-side languages like JavaScript. PHP code is embedded into HTML code, and the resulting page is sent to the user's web browser. PHP is a free and open-source language, which means it is available for anyone to use and modify. PHP is used on some of the largest websites in the world, including Facebook, Wikipedia, and WordPress.com. PHP is easy to learn and use and is widely available on web hosting providers. PHP code is executed on the server, which means that PHP pages can be cached and delivered faster than HTML pages.

Updating Content, Codes and Plugins

Updating your content regularly is vital for maintaining trust with your customers. If they rely on your site for new and updated information, it's essential to keep that content fresh. Updating plugins and codes is also necessary to keep your site running smoothly. They can stop working if you don't update them, leaving you vulnerable to hacking. By keeping your site up-to-date, you can ensure that it runs smoothly and efficiently. Keeping old software and plugin versions can also open your site to attack. Updating to the latest versions is crucial to keeping your site secure. If you're unsure how to update your content or plugins, contact web maintenance professional for help.

Do You Need To Update Your Content And Plugins?

CMS Core Updates

Core updates should be a regular part of your website maintenance. Keeping the core CMS software and plugins updated keeps everything working and security vulnerabilities at a minimum. The core contains all of the essential files a CMS needs to function correctly, and these files can usually be downloaded as a zip file, allowing users to access the admin dashboard, add and edit content, and more. It's essential to keep these core files up-to-date by regularly updating them. With core updates often come added features and increased security measures, making timely updates indispensable for a successful website.

Need The CMS Core Updates?

Website Security

Our professionals will take protective measures and protocols to protect you from cyber threats and criminals that use the web channel. However, keeping your website's security up-to-date is essential to prevent potential threats. Here are some tips on how to keep your website secure:

  • Install security updates and patches as soon as they're available.
  • Use a strong password, and don't reuse passwords across different websites.
  • Use a security plugin or service to scan your website for vulnerabilities.
  • Keep backups of your website in case you need to restore it.
  • Monitor your website traffic and look for any suspicious activity.

These tips can help keep your website secure and protected against potential threats. If you do not have any website security measures, now is the time to implement them. But don't wait until it's too late. Website security is essential for maintaining and protecting data. It also helps users and businesses from running risks.

Cyber security is vital for any website owner, whether you have an e-commerce site or a simple blog. Take the necessary measures to secure your website.

Take Care Of Your Website Security

Website Redirection

Redirection is used in web pages to redirect visitors to a different web page than the one they requested when the page requested is unavailable. Redirection usually happens when the business changes its domain name or has been acquired by another company. However, it can also be due to changes in website content, moving to a new domain name, or merging with another website. If you are responsible for managing website redirection, it is important to ensure that all redirection links are set up correctly and are functioning properly. Otherwise, visitors may experience errors or be unable to reach the desired web page.

Our Experts Will Help With Your Sites Redirecting

Types of Redirecting Codes

301 redirects are used to indicate that a website has permanently moved to a new location. When a visitor or search engine encounters a 301 redirect, they will be automatically redirected to the new URL. The 302 HTTP redirect is used when temporarily moving website content to a new location. When a visitor or search engine encounters a 302 redirect, they will be automatically redirected to the new URL, but the old URL will still work. The 307 HTTP redirect is similar to the 302 redirect, but it is more secure. When a visitor or search engine encounters a 307 redirect, they will be automatically redirected to the new URL, and the old URL will no longer work

Domain-level Issues

You might have problems with the DNSSEC validation. The first step is to identify the problem. This can be done by checking the DNS logs for any errors, or by using a tool such as dig or dnssec-debug-tool. Once the problem has been identified, the next step is to correct it. This can be done by updating the name servers, fixing the glue addresses, or removing stale DS records.

Other issues, such as the authoritative name servers, might need checking, or delegation problems may occur due to name server names and glue addresses in the TLD being stale or incorrect. Another factor in having issues is large responses. These large responses will limit the size of UDP responses the Google Public DNS will accept over UDP. Finally, if you have a website, it's crucial to maintain website maintenance to avoid domain-level issues. Keeping your website updated and running smoothly prevents problems such as stolen domain names, lost data, and website downtime.

Need To Take Care Of Domain-Level Issues?

Website Maintenance Steps

Updating website content regularly is an important task because it keeps your website fresh and engaging for your visitors. Checking website links to make sure they're still working is also important, because broken links can frustrate your visitors and cause them to leave your website. Adding new features or functionality to your website can help keep it current and interesting, and repairing website code can help keep your website running smoothly. Testing your website regularly for security vulnerabilities is important because it can help protect your website from hackers and other cyber threats. Backing up your website data periodically is important in case of a data loss or other unexpected event.
Website maintenance tasks include:

  • Updating website content regularly
  • Checking website links to make sure they're still working
  • Adding new features or functionality to your website
  • Repairing website code
  • Testing your website regularly for security vulnerabilities
  • Backing up your website data periodically

These website maintenance steps can help you avoid domain-level issues and keep your website running smoothly.

Help With Your Website Maintenance Steps

Stolen Domain Names

This is when a cyber thief hacks your account, transfers the name to a separate account, and then uses another registrar to reactivate the domain name. Domain names are an important part of any online business, and if they are stolen, it can be a huge hassle to get them back. In some cases, the thief may have transferred the name to a separate account, making it difficult to regain control. In other cases, the thief may have used another registrar to reactivate the domain name, which means you will need to contact that registrar to get it back. No matter what the situation is, our specialist can help you resolve it.


Cybersquatting in any form can be cybercrime and can lead to trademark infringement. It is unauthorized registration and use of internet domain names. Such as being similar or identical to company names, trademarks, personal names, or service marks. There are four various forms of cybersquatting in order, they are:


Typosquatting is when you register a domain name with a typo, similar to an already established company. Domain name typos are often used by cybercriminals in order to lure unsuspecting users to fake websites. These websites often contain malware or other malicious content. In some cases, cybercriminals will purchase domain names that are very similar to well-known brands in order to steal traffic from those websites.

Identity Theft

Domain name theft is a form of identity theft where the thief uses someone's personal information to register, renew or transfer domains without permission from their original registrant. This can be done to steal the domain name of another business or individual, or to gain control over a domain that is being auctioned off.

Name Jacking

Domain name hijacking is a form of cybercrime that occurs when a hacker or cybercriminal takes control of a domain name from the rightful owner. This can be done through various attacks, such as using malware to take over the computer of the domain name registrant, or through social engineering techniques to gain access to their account information. Once in control of the domain name, the hacker can then use it for their own purposes, such as redirecting traffic to another website, or using it to launch phishing attacks.


Reverse-cybersquatting is a term used to describe the situation where a person registers a domain name that is similar to a trademarked name with the intent to sell the domain back to the trademark owner. Trademark owners often file lawsuits to reduce or eliminate profits from people cybersquatting on their intellectual property.

Moving or Migrating a Website

Your website is one of the most important assets, so it’s best to take care when moving or updating your site. When we move a site, we consider these factors: the site's location, platform, structure, content, design, or UX. Migrating from a different host will require some work on both ends; firstly, there needs to be an agreement about where things like files and databases can go during this process (ideally somewhere safe), then once everything has been agreed upon by everyone involved in getting new servers ready - Migration Day arrives!

Getting Ready To Migrate Your Website? Need Help?

Factors to Conside

  • Give your website a good SEO audit. This will help you identify any potential problems that could occur during the migration process. Once you have identified any potential problems, you can create a plan to address them
  • Create a new sitemap and robots.txt file for your website. This will help Google and other search engines properly index your website during the migration process.
  • Ensure that all of your website's links are properly redirected.This will prevent any broken links from occurring after the migration process.
  • Create a staging environment for your website.This will allow you to test the migration process before actually moving your website to the live server.
  • Migrate your website.This is manually copying your website's files and database. We do this every day and we don’t mind telling you that we are experts in these processes.

Once the migration process is complete, be sure to test your website thoroughly to make sure that there are no errors. If there are any errors, fix them immediately.

Research and Planning for Migration

The process of migrating a website can be tricky, and it's important to do your research and plan everything out in advance. Background information: Before you start the migration process, it's essential to do your research and plan everything out in advance. Researching and planning will help you avoid any potential problems down the road.

One of the most important things to do when migrating a website is to set up redirects from the old URLs to the new URLs. This will ensure that visitors and search engines can find your content at the new location. Redirects can be set up with a server-side script, such as Apache's .htaccess file, or with a tool like 301 Redirects.

If you're not sure how to set up redirects, or if you need help migrating your website, contact an experienced web developer for assistance.

Update Your Sitemap

Sitemaps are important for indexing your website by search engines. The purpose of a sitemap is to list all the URLs on your website so that search engines can crawl and index them. You can submit your sitemap to Google via the Search Console, and you can also use a plugin like Yoast SEO to automatically generate a sitemap for your website.

After you migrate your website, it's important to monitor your traffic and rankings to ensure no negative impacts. If you notice any decreases in traffic or ranking, take steps to correct them. Sometimes a website migration can cause fluctuations in traffic and rankings, but if you take corrective action, you should be able to restore them.